Feature Busi Dying, Know Of Performance Machine


Thursday, June 2, 2011

In the book regular maintenance, spark plugs replaced every 3 times the ideal service routine (9 months) or after a distance of 7500 km for standard motors. But, sometimes there is also a whim. While still unsuitable for use, still gassed no matter the quality has declined or is weak.

For it must know the characteristics of spark-cairi want to die alias was dying. "It can be known in several ways. At the time the engine not turn on, the machine is rotating or viewed from the physical characteristics of the spark plug, "

In the standard motor, most easily tracked when the engine is difficult to live the first time. Even in the middle rpm must sometimes mbrebet karbu settings are correct. But, once the engine gassed abis, mbrebet symptoms disappeared. That's a sign that is easily recognizable.

If the engine turns often happens like that, it's good to do check the condition of spark plugs. Is the electrode is still good, no crust ditimbuni carbon or any part of the spark plug electrodes are eroded due to frequent overheating.

So to keep the quality remains good spark plugs fire, do not get used to ignore when changing spark plugs. Then make sure the quality of gasoline, right carburetor settings also do replacement foam air filter, spark plugs for combustion products remains good. And no less importantly, from maintenance of spark plugs, make sure the type of spark plug code that is used is in conformity with the condition of the vehicle and location of residence.

"It means do not use the type of spark plug is too cold or too hot, if the engine temperature does not fit with the climatic conditions in the vicinity,"

Cars wasteful because Air Fuel Ratio is not optimal


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Machine settings for Air-Fuel-Ratio is the ratio of fuel to the air intake during combustion in the engine. Mixture ratio is wrong and wasteful to make your car not powered. How do we know we have the optimal AFR?

Three kinds of conditions-Air-Fuel Ratio

    RICH: The ratio of the mixture into "rich" when the supply of fuel into the combustion chamber is greater than the required alias excessive. Excessive levels of fuel combustion does not make better, instead they were less than optimal both from the energy produced as well as efficiency.
    LEAN: While the conditions in which less fuel and excess air content called a "lean".
    STOICH: And the condition is said to ideal if the amount of intake air in accordance with the amount needed to burn all the fuel and the condition is called "stoichiometric" and often abbreviated as "stoich".

    In the automobile gasoline mixture ratio between air: the optimal gasoline is between 14.7:1 to 14.1:1.

AFR practical indications were optimal or not
Well, there are practical ways to find out whether or not fitted AFR settings. One of them can be detected by observing the engine RPM at idle (quiet place with the engine running). If the engine RPM down ride, this is a sign of setting the ratio of fuel and air are less fit.

Therefore, beware of the unstable engine in idle position. Besides resulting in a more wasteful consumption, it is possible the engine suddenly died when the car is racing toward us in the middle of the road.

A better way to find out if the AFR is not fit through the exhaust emission test. When the emission test results showed levels of HC and CO are too high, meaning the fuel entering the combustion chamber is too excessive.

Resetting the ratio of air and fuel mixture (AFR), commonly called the setting of CO and can be done by the mechanics in car maintenance workshops in general.