See also: List of Oil Prices
Engine oil is also not only functions as a lubricant, but also as a coolant, anti-rust, closing the gap machines and cleaning machines. A good lubricant should be able to make a lighter engine performance and served as a protective metal component of friction due to constant friction in a long time.
From the basic ingredients, a common engine oil circulating divided 2 types, namely:
- Mineral Oil (Base Oil): Retrieved from petroleum mining product which is processed into oil and added material to increase the quality of lubricant additives for the better.
- Synthetic Oil (Synthetic Oil): Synthetic oil usually consists of Polyalphaolifins that comes from the cleanest part of the separation of mineral oil, namely gas. The compound is then mixed with mineral oil. This is why synthetic oil can be mixed with mineral oil and vice versa. Base is the most stable. Basically, synthetic oil is designed to produce a more effective performance than the mineral oil.
Advantages compared to mineral oil synthetic oil:
- More stable at high temperatures (less volatile) so that low levels of evaporation
- Control / prevent the occurrence of carbon deposits on engine
- Circulation more smoothly in the morning starting time / cold weather
- Lubricate and coat the metal better and prevents friction between the metal which resulted in engine failure
- Resistant to change / oxidation and therefore more durable so it is more economical and efficient
- Reduce the occurrence of friction, increase power and cooler engine
- Containing detergents are better for membersihkanmesin of mineral kerakOli usually made from purified while the synthetic oil from the chemical mixture.
So for engines manufactured in 2001 or older are advised to use good synthetic oil-type semi-synthetic (mixed with mineral oil) or fully-synthetic.
Mineral Oil price comparison - Semi Synthetic - Full Synthetic
Fully synthetic oil price could 2X - 4X more expensive than the semi-synthetic, whereas
Semi-synthetic oil price can be 2X more expensive than mineral oil.
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